VOXDATA: Superior added-value services of our customer contact centre
Take your customer experience (CX) to the next level
At VOXDATA, everything is designed to ensure that your company can offer the best possible service to your clients, regardless of your industry sector.
Whether you need help answering questions about your products or managing your orders following a new program launch, we’re here to make your life easier. We can even implement processing solutions that allow your customers to be more autonomous. We can support you in the digital transformation of your customer experience (CX). Our first-rate services simplify your business operations all while upholding your standards.
Customer service and technical support
Marketing support
Digital transformation of interactions
Rigorous training Highly skilled employees
We are recognized in the industry for our high employee retention rate, and you will directly benefit from our employees’ satisfaction!
Agents assigned to your account are thoroughly trained on your products and services to the point of knowing your offerings and company inside out. What’s more, our coaching is conducted by highly trained and certified specialists with years of experience in the field.